Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Report on Comparative Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

Question: Explain about the comparative business ethics and social responsibility. Answer: Activity 1: Yes, we all want to be ethical, but our ethics needs to be integrated with high morals which should remain within us or else we will weaken. We should be conscious of our moral and ethical plans so that we can control them, or else we will be hurdled to falter and at instances take steps contrary to the principles we wish for ourselves (Tsalikis Fritzsche, 2013). Every individual wants to prove to be unique and smart in the eyes of others, especially in front of peers. In order to prove to be distinct, we sometimes do certain things without much thought just for social acceptance. For example, if someone wants to be a part of a team and the team advances towards its goal, he or she might act unethically to achieve the teams objectives (Tsalikis Fritzsche, 2013). I am culpable of manipulating my "time cards" at the office. The justification is that I needed more money and the rationalization of such misbehavior. The organization was not treating me reasonably at my work (Koslowski, 2013). One of my friends hacked the information of another company as instructed by his boss. Although this activity was unethical, he performed this action in order to please his boss. This reflects that although he was ethical, he was bounded (Tsalikis Fritzsche, 2013). I think we cannot stay totally rational when taking ethical decisions since "Rational" is an extremely relative term. For example, we do things to make our boss happy and then discuss same issues with our friends (Koslowski, 2013). References: Koslowski, P. (Ed.). (2013).Contemporary economic ethics and business ethics. Springer Science Business Media. Tsalikis, J., Fritzsche, D. J. (2013). Business Ethics: A literature review with a focus on marketing ethics. InCitation Classics from the Journal of Business Ethics(pp. 337-404). Springer Netherlands.siness Ethics,109(3), 323-338.

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