Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How did Hitler gain power in Germany by 1933 - 1205 Words

How and why did Hitler gain power in Germany by 1933? Following the collapse of the Weimar government, Hitler managed to gain dictatorship over Germany by 1936. In fact it took Hitler just around 18 months, between February 1933 and August 1934, so how did Hitler gain autocracy over Germany so quickly? I am going to start with how the Germans had fear of Germany becoming a communist country like Russia. At the end of the war, many people hoped that democracy would spread to most countries of the world. They did not want to be controlled by a dictatorship which would lead them into a communist country. Another factor that assisted Hitler to gain power in Germany by 1933 was how Hitler wanted to demolish the Treaty of Versailles.†¦show more content†¦The Nazi party was the people s party. It tried to win everyone s support. Hitler would deliver speeches to German audiences in halls or sport stadiums. Groups such as the S.A and Hitler Youth gave sense of belonging and pride to all the Nazi’s audience. This factor is a social factor as it involves all groups of people to support and vote for the Nazi party. This factor links to Hitler’s ideas due to the fact that once Hitler’s ideas were emplacedShow MoreRelatedEconomics During the Years of Hitler Essay example862 Words   |  4 PagesEconomics During the Years of Hitler Adolf Hitler became leader of the Nazi Party in 1921; throughout the passing years he made various attempts to overthrow the Government. He became Chancellor in 1933 and his main aims included tackling depression and restoring full employment in Germany. Another key ambition Hitler had was to prepare Germany for a next possible war. Hitler took position as Chancellor in Germany in 1933, just after the Great Depression between 1929Read MoreHow Did Hitler Become Chancellor in 1933?1659 Words   |  7 PagesHow did Hitler become Chancellor in 1933? 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